Brillouin scattering studies on charge-ordered manganites

Chandrabhas Narayana


Brillouin scattering studies were carried out for the first time on charge-ordered manganites, namely, Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Pr0.63Ca0.37MnO3. We observe surface and bulk magnetic excitations (magnons) in the Brillouin spectra with the characteristics of ferromagnetic magnons. The frequency and intensity of these magnons in the temperature range 300 to 25 K, covering both charge-ordering and antiferromagnetic transition, follow exactly the temperature dependence of the DC magnetic susceptibility. The study strongly suggests the presence of ferromagnetic inhomogeneities in the charge-ordered as well as antiferromagnetic phases. Keywords: Brillouin scattering,of what is known on the genetic variation of the viral subtypes and its practical implication for viral pathogenesis and efficient engineering of intervention strategies.


Brillouin scattering; charge-ordering; magnon and manganites

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