Comparison of inherent properties of glass fibre filters

Sarika A Varade, Aparna Gajbhiye, K M Phadke, Animesh Kumar


In Indian urban atmosphere, toxic elements are found in micro and sub-micro levels. Glass microfibre filters are used for collection of air samples for determination of trace quantities of these toxic metals in the air and it is preferable to choose filter containing low blank concentration. The concentration of Pb, Cr, Ni and Cd in the fil-ters manufactured by three manufacturers, viz. Gelman, Whatman and Nupore is studied in this paper. Though comparable, the least concentrations were observed in the filter manufactured by M/s Nupore Filtration Systems, India. The concentration of Fe and Zn however is very high in the range of 70251 and 18166604 mg/g, respectively, in all the filters.


Glass fiber filter; trace metals; air pollution.

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