Estrogen receptor antagonists and inhibitors of aromatase: Use in reproduction research

D Shayu, V Sriraman, A J Rao


It is of particular significance that a single hormone like estrogen can have myriad of effects in different tissues. The potent tumorogenic action of estrogen in the female has lead to a multipronged approach of blocking estrogen action, either by development of various antiestrogens to block estrogen receptor action or by means of specific aromatase inhibitors to block estrogen synthesis. The generation of these compounds has not only helped in alleviating estrogen-dependent diseases such as breast cancer, but has significantly enhanced our understanding regarding the role of estrogen in various tissues of both the sexes. The review aims at providing an insight on antiestrogens and aromatase inhibitors used both for experimental and therapeutic purposes.


Tamoxifen; antiestrogen; aromatase; estrogen receptor; estrogen receptor knockout

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