Fly ash characterization with reference to geotechnical applications

N S Pandian


Thermal power stations use pulverized coal as fuel. They produce enormous quantities of coal ash as a by-product of combustion. Thiscalls for the development of strategies to encourage and establish technological conceptswhich will ensure consumption of fly ash in bulk. Among the various uses of fly ash, its bulk utilization is possible only in geotechnical engineering applications. This necessitates characterization of the fly ash with reference to geotechnical applications. This paper presents a review of such studies carried out. The results show that fly ash is a freely draining material with angle of internal friction of more than 30 degrees. The specific gravity is lower leading to lower unit weights resulting in lower earth pressures. It can be summarized that fly ash (with some modifications/additives, if required) can be effectively utilized in geotechnical applications.


Nonplastic; consolidation; shear strength

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