BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES IN AVIAN MALARIA (P. GALLINACEUM) Effect of P. gallinaceum Infection on Amino Acids of the Chick



An analysis of the free and combined amino acids of the whole blood, plasma,erythrocytes, liver and brain of chicks infected with Plmmodimn gallinaceurn, broadly indicate four pattcrnr of reaction.
The salient features of the changes noticed are:
(a) A steady increase of almost all the amino acids (free and combined) in the erythrocytes of the infected chick both during the prepatent period and the peak of pansitremia.
(b) A gradual decrease of the amino acids free and combined in the plasma during bath the phnscc of infection.
(c) An increase of the free and diminution of certain of the bound amino acids in the wholo blood during the peak of pamsitzrnia.
(d) The cumbincd amino acid content of the liver and brain tissues show a steady decrease of almost all the amino acids during both the periodc of infection.
Sin to eight fold increase of certnin amino acids in the erythrocytes during the parasitsrnic stage stresses the desirability for a detailed investigation of the effects of theso individual amino acids and theu specific antimetabolites on the malarial infection.

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