Macromolecular Crystallography in India in the Global Context*

M Vijayan


The most spectacular applications of crystallography are currently concerned with biological macromolecules like proteins and their assemblies. Macromolecular crystallography originated in England in the thirties of the last century, but definitive results began to appear only around 1960. Since then macromolecular crystallography has grown to become central to modern biology. India has a long tradition in crystallography starting with the work of K. Banerjee in the thirties. In addition to their contributions to crystallography, G.N. Ramachandran and his colleagues gave a head start to India in computational biology, molecular modeling and what we now call bioinformatics. However, attempts to initiate macromolecular crystallography in India started only in the seventies. The work took off the ground after the Department of Science and Technology handsomely supported the group at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1983. The Bangalore group was also recognized as a national nucleus for the development of the area in the country. Since then macromolecular crystallography, practiced in more than 30 institutions in the country, has grown to become an important component of scientific research in India. The articles in this issue provide a flavor of activities in the area in the country. The area is still in an expanding phase and is poised to scale greater heights.


*This contribution has considerable overlap with ref. 26 and ref. 27, which are based on lectures delivered by the author.

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