Frustration in Optical Lattices of Interacting Bosons

Subroto Mukerjee


The realization of optical lattices of cold atoms has opened up the possibility of engineering interacting lattice systems of bosons and fermions, stimulating a frenzy of research over the last decade.  More recently, experimental techniques have been developed to apply synthetic gauge fields to these optical lattices. As a result, it has become possible to study quantum Hall physics and the effects of frustration in lattices of cold atoms. In this article we describe the combined effect of frustration and interactions on the super fluidity of bosons. By focussing on a frustrated ladder of interacting bosons, we show that the effect of frustration is for “chiral” order to develop, which manifests itself as an alternating pattern of circulating super currents. Remarkably, this order persists even when super fluidity is lost and the system enters a Mott phase giving rise to a novel chiral Mott insulator. We describe the combined physics of frustration and interactions by studying a fully frustrated one dimensional model of interacting bosons. The model is studied using mean-field theory, a direct quantum simulation and a higher dimensional classical theory in order to offer a full description of the different quantum phases contained in it and transitions between the different phases. In addition we provide physical descriptions of the chiral Mott insulator as a vortex-anitvortex super solid and indirect excitonic condensate in addition to obtaining a variational wave function for it. We also briefly describe of the chiral Mott states arising in other microscopic models.

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