Cellular Dynamics Controlled by Phosphatases

Parveen Kumar, Subbareddy Maddika


Protein phosphorylation, a fundamental post-translation modification
that acts as a backbone of signaling networks, is essential for
multiple aspects of eukaryote physiology. Phosphorylation status of a
substrate is dependent on opposing activities of two distinct enzymes,
where the relevant kinase catalyzes the modification and is reversed by
a phosphatase. Historically, kinases have been at the research forefront;
however, phosphatases have gained importance with many studies
revealing predominant roles for these enzymes in controlling the cellular
responses. Phosphatases are known to attenuate or amplify signaling by
operating both as early, as well as delayed regulators of signal transduction.
This review is focused on describing the versatile roles of phosphatases
in controlling different cellular pathways through their
spatio-temporal dynamics during signaling.


Phosphatases, Signaling, PPP family, PPM, MAPK, Mitosis

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