A Review of Lamellar Eutectic Morphologies for Enhancing Thermoelectric and Mechanical Performance of Thermoelectric Materials

Journal of the Indian Institute of Science


We present in this review how the existence of lamellar eutectic morphologies in different classes of thermoelectric systems has been
explored to enhance the thermoelectric and mechanical performance
of such systems. Following a brief discussion on the physics of thermoelectricity, the case for using eutectic morphologies to achieve similar thermoelectric performance compared to those reported in multilayer
thin-flm and superlattice, was presented. This was followed by the presentation of eutectic morphologies in different classes of thermoelectric
systems from traditional chalcogenide to half-Heusler and high-entropy
alloys. Eutectic lamellar can be quickly produced in large quantities via
traditional metallurgy routes that are cost-effective and can be scaled
compared to other synthesis routes. As this review shows, eutectic
morphologies could play a double role in simultaneously improving a
thermoelectric device’s thermoelectric and mechanical performance.
These devices are of macroscale dimensions and require some measure of good energy conversion effciencies and mechanical stability


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