Green Sensing and Communication: A Step Towards Sustainable IoT Systems

Vini Gupta


With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, their
reconfigurability, networking, task automation, and control ability have
been a boost to the evolution of traditional industries such as healthcare,
agriculture, power, education, and transport. However, the quantum
of data produced by the IoT devices poses serious challenges on
its storage, communication, computation, security, scalability, and system’s
energy sustainability. To address these challenges, the concept of
green sensing and communication has gained importance. This article
surveys the existing green sensing and communication approaches to
realize sustainable IoT systems for various applications. Further, a few
case studies are presented that aim to generate sensed traffic data intelligently as well as prune it efficiently without sacrificing the required service quality. Challenges associated with these green techniques, various
open issues, and future research directions for improving the energy efficiency of the IoT systems are also discussed.

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