Suppress, and Not Just Flatten: Strategies for Rapid Suppression of COVID19 Transmission in Small World Communities

Journal of the Indian Institute of Science


Many countries have introduced Lockdowns to contain the
COVID19 epidemic. Lockdowns, though an effective policy for containment,
imposes a heavy cost on the economy as it enforces extreme
social distancing measures on the whole population. The objective of this
note is to study alternatives to Lockdown which are either more targeted
or allows partial opening of the economy. Cities are often spatially organized
into wards. We introduce Multi-lattice small world (MLSW) network
as a model of a city where each ward is represented by a 2D lattice and
each vertex in the latex represents an agent endowed with SEIR dynamics.
Through simulation studies on MLSW, we examine a variety of candidate
suppression policies and find that restricting Lockdowns to infected
wards can indeed out-perform global Lockdowns in both reducing the
attack rate and also shortening the duration of the epidemic. Even policies
such as partial opening of the economy, such as Two-Day Work
Week, can be competitive if augmented with extensive Contact Tracing.

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