Engineering Lightweight Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys for a Sustainable Future

Payam Emadi, Bernoulli Andilab, C. Ravindran


Lightweight alloys such as magnesium and aluminum have
been garnering increasing interest due to the global demand for emission reduction and sustainability. Such alloys are excellent candidates
for replacing high-density iron-based materials, leading to weight reduction and associated improvements in energy consumption. In addition,
alloys with improved thermal properties such as thermal conductivity
can aid in electric vehicle operation and internal combustion engine effciency. However, to further promote the use of lightweight materials in
industry, their mechanical and thermal properties must be enhanced,
especially for magnesium alloys. To this end, this article summarizes
recent progress toward improving the properties of cast magnesium and
aluminum alloys in the felds of grain refnement using potent nucleants
and solutes, thermal conductivity enhancement through microstructure
modifcation and heat treatment, magnesium melt cleanliness assessment and control as well as ultrasonic assisted casting of light alloys.
The current state of literature illustrates tremendous strides toward magnesium and aluminum alloys with high strength and improved thermal
properties. Such materials will be invaluable for addressing the current
and future challenges of sustainability, environment and energy.

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