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E., Arunan, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. (India)
Editor - in - Chief, Prof. T. N. Guru Row,, Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Archives and Publications Cell Indian Institute of Science BENGALURU 560 012, INDIA (India)
EDMUNDSON, ALLEN B, Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, (United States)
Eidson, John, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-5900 (United States)
EL AZEIM, W M ADD, Research Centre, Mist Petroleum Co, Cairo, (Egypt)
Elakkiya, Venugopal
Elliot, John
Emadi, Payam, Centre for Near‑Net‑Shape Processing of Materials, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON M5B 2K3, Canada. (India)
Emekwuru, Nwabueze G., School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, Coventry University, Coventry, UK. (United Kingdom)
Engel, Stephen A.
ENJETI, PRASAD, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, (Canada)
ENJETI, PRASAD, Department of Electrical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, H3G 1M3, Canada, (Canada)
Erickson, Sarah J., Department of Biomedical Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA.

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